Designed for children ages 3 years and under with the following symptoms/conditions:
eczema (with or without wheezing) chronic otitis, rhinitis, wheezing and asthma
(without seasonal exacerbations)
Children who are genetically predisposed to developing atopic (IgE-mediated) allergy tend to progress
in a predictable manor, commonly referred to as the "allergic march." Generally the allergic condition
begins with eczema (atopic dermatitis) at a very early age where the child develops rashes at various
locations (most commonly the cheeks, neck and chest, as well as, the extremities). From eczema, the
allergic condition often times progresses to gastrointestinal problems (e.g. colic and diarrhea).
Additionally, part of this progression includes chronic otitis. As the child ages (after 3yrs of age) rhinitis
and upper respiratory problems begin and in some instances the beginning stages of asthma.
Recently, there have been several publications regarding Cow Milk Allergy (CMA). In addition to
identifying IgE mediated responses, delayed reactions (non-atopic in nature) are of great interest. Our
algorithm includes analyzing both specific IgE and specific IgG4 (believed to be a mechanism in
delayed food allergy). Our pediatric allergy panel includes whole milk as well as individual components
(indicated by an *).
Identifying the allergic condition in the early stages is important in both relieving patient symptoms as
well as early referral to a specialist if necessary. Early intervention via avoidance techniques often
times will diminish the severity of symptoms and may delay or derail the "allergic march."
Tel 615-599-4100 * Fax 615-599-4648 * Toll Free 877-992-4100
improving allergy outcomes