improving allergy outcomes

Tel 615-599-4100 * Fax 615-599-4648 * Toll Free 877-992-4100

The Allermetrix e-Office is designed to aid the clinician confirm the allergy diagnosis and improve the patient outcome. Efficient in-vitro testing strategies are presented based on a detailed patient questionnaire and historical laboratory data. This individualized approach is referred to as precision allergy medicine.

After entry the patient will see the dashboard below which will help educate them as to their potential allergy problem. This dashboard is also automatically posted to the client portal.
After results are posted to the client portal, you have the ability to create an elimination/rotation diet for food positive patients. This diet can be modified by you easily to meet the needs of the patient.

*Note: the diets are provided at no charge and can be continuously modified.
Individualized avoidance information is part of the patient report for elevated inhalant allergens.