improving allergy outcomes
The Allermetrix e-Office offers precision medicine to allergy
sufferers. It is the most advanced web based allergy tool currently
available. The testing strategy incorporates allergy informatics
(including peer-reviewed literature and statistical data) for inhalant
and food testing with personalized diets to take control of patient
food allergy. The process begins with the patient entering allergy
history/symptoms and dietary information through the Allermetrix
patient portal. When completed a summary-dashboard is displayed
for the patient which helps them understand how their symptoms
may relate to an allergy diagnosis. The dashboard along with the
dietary information is automatically posted to their physician's
portal. The physician can utilize the Allermetrix statistical data base
to identify the most likely trigger(s). This is both an individualized
and cost-effective approach to laboratory test selection and results
in improved patient outcomes. Take an Allermetrix e-Office "Test
Drive" by clicking on the sports car below to see how the
patient entry program works, or select "Allermetrix e-Office
Innformation" for how the entire progarm works. Call today at
877-992-4100 for a full tour.
take an e-office test drive >>
400 Sugartree Lane/Suite510/Franklin TN 37064
Tel 615-599-4100 /Fax 615-599-4648/Toll Free 877-992-4100
What is Allergy Precision Medicine?